Monday, December 17, 2012

Rule #3

Some years ago, I came to a realization while driving. Anyone who has driven in the NY metropolitan area knows that driving around here can be a challenge. Well another car cut me off and I felt the familiar rage that many people feel while driving. But somewhere deep inside me I realized that it just wasn't worth it. I decided that I was no longer going to get upset by other people's driving...and you know what? It worked! The infraction against me was one moment in anger prolonged the incident. This brings me to Rule #3...DON'T HOLD A GRUDGE.

I know you're thinking, "we'll that's easy to say over a minor traffic infraction, but what about the big stuff?". But I'm telling you it all works the same! When I am hurt by someone, no matter how big or small, the hurt is prolonged by my attention to it. Forgiveness is a powerful thing! Forgiveness allows you the freedom to move on! Holding a grudge only holds you back in that painful does no harm to the person who hurt you! Holding a grudge only hurts you, not the other person! So why punish yourself?

I think the reason we don't always forgive is because we mistake forgiveness for condoning. We don't have to approve, condone or forget in order to forgive. When you think about it, forgiveness is kind of a selfish act. We don't need to forgive for their sake, we need to forgive for OUR sake! It's a reward to ourselves to free ourselves to move on. One of my favorite words is NEXT! Once I learned to let things go my world became a much happier place.

So that's Rule #3...I guess I could also call it forgive, or learn to let go, or NEXT!, but I call it Don't Hold A Grudge. Try it, you're life will be transformed!


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