Friday, November 22, 2013

Things I know: I'm full of emotion...

Things I know: I'm full of emotion...: I have a question for you...what creates your emotions?  Is it the events of your life, or is it your thoughts about the events of your life...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I'm full of emotion...

I have a question for you...what creates your emotions?  Is it the events of your life, or is it your thoughts about the events of your life?  Now, naturally, I think most people would say it's the events...someone sends you flowers, something makes you laugh, you witness something beautiful...these events would make you feel happy.   But what if you were in a bad mood?  What if you were stressed?  Unhappy?  Depressed?  Would the very same events make you feel the same?   No, of course not. 

I watched a movie once that I found enchanting. Afterwards, just thinking about different scenes could make me smile.  Sometime later, I saw the movie again.  I wanted to watch it because I was feeling down and I thought the movie would make me feel better, but it didn't.  It was the same movie, but I was in a different place.  Think about the times when the very same event in your life brought on two different emotions based on what you were thinking about at the time.    Is a child's fear any less just because there is no actual monster living under the bed?

So it is my contention that it is, in fact, our thoughts about an event that create our emotions, not the actual event.  The event is is our reaction to the event that creates turmoil, joy, anxiety, peace.  Why is this helpful?  Because, with practice, we can control our thoughts!  Still unconvinced?  Let's pretend your spouse called to tell you that you had won a million dollars in the lottery.  How would you feel?  Imagine how excited you would feel?  That excitement, that joy would be real...and no different whether you actually won the lottery or when you got home, your spouse said "just kidding".  

The events of your life will happen...keep in control of your thoughts about those events and you can control your stress and can live a happier, more joyful life.