Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Things I know: BUT Free Zone

Things I know: BUT Free Zone: In my opinion, one of the most powerful words to our self esteem is BUT.  I call it the "B" word.  Think about it... "I did a...

BUT Free Zone

In my opinion, one of the most powerful words to our self esteem is BUT.  I call it the "B" word.  Think about it... "I did a good job on that presentation, BUT I can't believe how I messed up that intro."  "I would love to do that, BUT I already know I can't."  Look at the preceding sentences...in each case, the overall feel is completely changed after the "B" word. 

The word BUT is used to completely negate what was just said, and to point out the flaws in the statement.  When coaching my agents in sales, I find they often talk themselves out of success once the "B" word creeps into their conversations. "I get X% commission BUT for you I'll take x%."   Self depreciation has somehow become admirable in our society, and yet one of the most attractive qualities in a person is confidence. Now, I'm not talking about conceit, but rather, true confidence. (see how I used the BUT there?). Once the BUT is introduced into the statement, the emphasis is on what follows. So, be careful in its use!

Now, of course, BUT can be used to turn a negative statement to a positive one (as I did above), and I encourage you to do so.  I simply ask that you start to pay attention and carefully choose your use of the "B" word...especially in your self talk. If the statement following BUT does not encourage, complement, build up....then simply drop the BUT, and everything that follows. It may take some practice, BUT you'll find a change in your attitude will make it worth the effort!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Things I know: Notice the Moment

Things I know: Notice the Moment: I know, I know, it's been a really long time, but I just haven't felt inspired to write...until now.   I was driving to work this mo...

Notice the Moment

I know, I know, it's been a really long time, but I just haven't felt inspired to write...until now.   I was driving to work this morning and hit a patch of traffic.  There were cars trying to merge onto the highway, and we were all moving slowly. I noticed a woman trying to merge and I could see she was nervous and stressed. I waved her on in front of me and I could see the gratitude wash over her face. Our eyes met...and we had a moment. Last year, my husband and I went to New Orleans for a convention. A friend of mine, (Hi, Karl!), invited us to a reception and we were given beads to throw to the passers-by.  (False pretense correction here, no body part exposure necessary to receive beads).  As I was looking down at the people walking past, a woman looked up and our eyes met...I tossed her a set of beads...and we had a moment.  The man at Dunkin Donuts who gives me a munchkin because we smiled together. Seeing something funny happen on the street in the city and realizing the lady nearby saw it, too...you laugh together...and you have a moment. 

These moments, and the thousands of others in my mental collection, string together like twinkling lights to brighten my life.  I am so grateful to the strangers who have made my world a better place and I can only hope I do the same for them. The thing is, I could just as easily miss these moments...look away, not notice, forget to smile....not laugh.  And what a shame that would be...how sad to go through life missing the opportunities to connect with my fellow humans...to have a moment with them. I guess just how much brighter my life is now, because of these moments, is immeasurable. But I promise you this, if you pay attention, you'll find these moments surrounding you, and if you take the time to notice, your world will be a brighter place. So, take notice...share the moment. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Things I know: Take It the RIGHT Way!

Things I know: Take It the RIGHT Way!: Have you ever taken something someone said to you the wrong way?  Maybe it was a text or email...maybe you misinterpretated an expression or...

Take It the RIGHT Way!

Have you ever taken something someone said to you the wrong way?  Maybe it was a text or email...maybe you misinterpretated an expression or a look someone gave you. No matter what it was...what was your reaction?  Chances are, it had a negative impact on your mood. I was thinking about this the other day because a friend of mine was talking to me about a conversation we both participated in with a third person and my friend's interpretation of that conversation was completely different than mine. I think back to times when I was hurt or upset by something someone said to me only to find out later that I was totally wrong about what that person was saying...I took what was said the wrong way.  The truth is, it doesn't really matter what the person's intent is...if we take it the wrong way, or even the right way...if we perceive that what is being said is negative, our mood will be impacted in a negative way. Simple as that. 

So, what is the impact?  Well, for me, it can ruin my day...not only that, it often affects the way I feel about that person!  Have you ever spent the day being angry over something your partner said to you in the morning only to find out at the end of the day that you were completely wrong about what was said in the first place?  How easy is it to let that anger go even after finding out the anger was unwarranted?  I bet not very easy...our anger has built momentum and we find ourselves angry (or sad, hurt, or whatever the feeling is) even after the cause of that feeling is removed from the equation. 

So, what if we turned that around?  What if we chose to take it the RIGHT way?  As we know, the impact on our mood and our feelings is based on our interpretation and has nothing to do with the other person's intent...so why not assume the meaning was a positive one?  Now, I know that is not always easy to control at the moment...but you know as well as I do that the real damage is done by our thoughts following the initial interpretation. So before your thoughts snowball, decide that the meaning was positive, complementary or said in jest. At the very least, you will have a much more pleasant day!  Choose to keep your mood and feelings out of that dark place...no harm can come of it!  Practice taking things the RIGHT way...you'll live a happier life for it. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Things I know: Decisions

Things I know: Decisions: A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary and inevitably, we got the


A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary and inevitably, we got the "what's the secret?" question. After some thought, I came up with an answer that felt right to me. The secret is millions of small decisions...you know, decisions to overlook the unwanted and decisions to notice the wanted. When I look back at the times that were hard, I can pinpoint the decisions I was making. It's really quite simple, not necessarily easy...but simple. So, I've come to realize, making decisions is not only the secret to a happy marriage...it's the secret to a happy life!

Think back to problems you've had with other people. In every case, you could have made the decision to focus on the behavior, the words, the actions of someone else...or ignore. Now, I'm not saying you weren't justified, or the slight wasn't so great it would be impossible to ignore...sometimes that's the case...but every time, you had a choice. This realization is exciting to me!  Not only am I empowered to decide what will effect me....but I can make the decision to ignore the things that don't serve me!  Not only that, but think about all the things that do serve me...I can choose to focus on the positive influences in my life. Choose to notice the driver letting me merge rather than the driver who sped up to prevent me from merging...choose to notice the coworker who's always smiling rather than the one who's always complaining. Every day, you are making decisions...these millions of little decisions...that are molding your life...creating who you are. As the old TV show used to say...."choose wisely, grasshopper". 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Things I know: Break the Routine!

Things I know: Break the Routine!: Most days I wake up around the same time, go through the same morning routine, drive the same route to work. I like to go to the same restau...

Break the Routine!

Most days I wake up around the same time, go through the same morning routine, drive the same route to work. I like to go to the same restaurants, order my favorite meals...basically, like most people, I get comfort from following the same routine. In fact, on the days I don't follow my routine, I feel a little off. We are creatures of habit, us humans. There's never any growth in comfort, though. Time travels fast in comfort...the same routine every day leads to months, then years. Today is a good day to shake things up a little!

Now I'm not saying to do something crazy...I'm just saying that a break in the routine is good for the soul. I think when we get into a routine and do the same things the same way, everything falls into a routine...our thoughts, how we see things, how we hear things. Start out small...drive a different way to work, change the order of your morning activities, go somewhere new for lunch... You'll never find a better way of doing something if you don't try something new. For many years, I have driven to my sister-in-law's house the same way. I always thought there should be a better way to get there, but for years I didn't try. Then one day I decided to get off a few exits early and make my way through the back roads...what's the worst that could happen? Well, of course, I found a better, faster, more direct route. Even if I didn't, I would have had something different to look at...maybe found a new store to go to...anything new. My point is, if you stay in the same routine, day in and day out, your life will be the same, day in and day out. Growth, new discoveries, new ideas and new ways of doing things happen outside the routine. 

Life happens outside the routine! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Things I know: A Little Bit of Appreciation...

Things I know: A Little Bit of Appreciation...: Do you want to know the fastest, sure fire way to get out of a bad mood? Think about all the things in your life that you are thankful for! ...

A Little Bit of Appreciation...

Do you want to know the fastest, sure fire way to get out of a bad mood? Think about all the things in your life that you are thankful for! It works like a charm...providing you can control your thoughts enough to focus on appreciation. That's the hard part, right? We all know that thinking about things we are grateful for will improve our mood....it's just hard to think about them when we are in the grips of a bad mood. So how do we do it? Well, I start out slow. If I try to force gratitude into my negative thought pattern, my mind resists and I find myself even more negative than I started out to be. But I find that if I can find one small thread, I can build on that thought, no matter how small. From there, I find it just a little bit easier to find another thought, then another...well, you get the picture.  

A few weeks ago, I was having a bad day...you know the kind, when you are hit with everything from a stubbed toe to depressing news...and everything in between! Well, I had a presentation to do late in the afternoon and I was not feeling very upbeat and positive. I feared my presentation would fall flat and I would be a huge flop. The problem was, no matter how much I tried to force happy thoughts and appreciation into my consciousness, I just couldn't get past my glum. I was getting a little panicky, which only made me feel worse. Finally, in my frustration, I put my head in my hands...and I noticed that my hair felt really soft...and I liked that. From there, I remembered a complement that someone had given me about my hair the day before. From there, I was able to pull up more gratitude until I was doing okay. I did fine in my presentation, not my finest, but fine. I'm not looking for miracles, but improvement...through Appreciation. I know how minor the softness of my hair is...how inconsequential in the big picture...but it was the one small thing that was the catalyst for me to change my thought momentum. So the next time you're feeling down...look for that one small thing. You never know what it will be.