Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This very moment...

Some time ago I was transferred to a new office to manage.  It was like a clean slate...a new chance to make a difference.  Well, the truth is, every day is really like a new beginning...filled with new opportunities...new challenges.  When I open my eyes in the morning, before starting my day, I ask myself..."what new joys are in store for me today?"  The key here is to start the day focusing on the positive things ahead of me.  You see, every moment has a positive and negative side.  The question is, which way do you choose to focus on?  I've found that there really is not a "wrong side of the bed" but rather a wrong direction to focus on.  On a busy, stressful day, do you think about how hard the day is for you or how nice it will be when the day is done?  These differences seem minor, but the effect on your day is huge!

I went on vacation with a group of friends.  It was a wonderful vacation, filled with laughter and fun.  There was a big group of us, so there were many personalities.  I noticed that my friends that focused on how few days we had left in paradise were having less fun.  Every moment of every day is an opportunity to paint the picture we want it to be.

Now, changing your outlook on life is a tall order.  Changing your world seems insurmountable. But what about this very moment?  Can you find the positive thing to focus on right now?  Don't worry about changing your life, just change this moment.  Throughout your day, whenever you think of it, stop for a moment and focus on the happy, the joy, something that makes you smile.  I promise you, the more you do, the more natural it will become to you.  This very moment is an opportunity!  How great is that!?

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