Wednesday, May 15, 2013

As Seen Through Their Eyes

It's so easy to get annoyed or mad at someone else, isn't it?  A driver that cuts you off, a rude store clerk or patron, your coworker that snaps at you.  But lets pretend, for just a moment, that you could see through their eyes...walk in their shoes...feel what they are feeling.  Lets pretend that at the moment you began to feel annoyed, you had insight into the world of that person.  Maybe that rude store clerk has a sick child at home, hardly sleeps at night caring for her and is working in this store to keep a roof over their head.  Would you still feel annoyed at this clerk?  It changes things, doesn't it?

I was in the car with someone the other day and another car cut us off.  Our immediate response, both of us, was to call the other driver a jerk.  But for some reason, I said "we'll, maybe his wife is having a baby and he's trying to get there on time". My colleague then said something equally as understanding and soon it became sort of a game.  The truth is, it doesn't even matter what is really going on in the other person's life.  If seeing through their eyes makes you a better person, that will spread.  If seeing through their eyes makes you treat people in a kinder way, they and others that observe you will be kinder.  Think about it, you know it's true...  So lets all try this today... See through their eyes.  It just may make the world a better place (at least for us) :-)

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