Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Embrace the Want

Do you have everything you want?  That's kind of a trick question, isn't it?  The truth is, we will never have everything we want because as soon as we get the things in life we were yearning for, we start to want something else...and that's not such a bad thing.  If we suddenly had everything we have ever dreamed of, what would be left to strive for?  What would be left to live for?  I believe it's the want that makes the world go round.  

I can remember, when I was a young adult, wanting a home, a family, a career...all of which I now have.  It seems natural...these things happen to many people, buying a house, starting a family...but at the time, it seemed huge to me.  At the time, I could never imagine having enough money to buy a house.  But in time, I did.  My point is, those things you are wanting right now may seem insurmountable, but as you move closer to accomplishing them, they will seem achievable and there will be new wants on the horizon.  So many times we look at want as lack, but want is what keeps us alive!  Want is what keeps us moving forward, keeps us growing...frankly, is what fuels innovation and advancement throughout the world!  Think about where we would be if Thomas Edison didn't want light!

So how do you look at want?  Do you view your wants as negatives that you don't have or as fuel for your growth?  Embrace the want....you would be no where without it!

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