Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sun, Air, Earth, Water

When you think of a great vacation, what do you think of? Sitting by a pool or on a beach? Maybe skiing some great trail...perhaps a cabin by the lake? Wherever it is, chances are it is somewhere where you can spend time outdoors. A friend of mine received some troubling news the other day and upon hearing it, she immediately wanted to go outside for air. Why is it we prefer sunny days to rainy ones? The truth is, we feel better outside. Sun, air, earth and water... So here's another secret to being happy...get outside as often as possible. Simple, I know, but often overlooked.

Studies show that the sun boosts your mood, improves sleep and increases Vitamin D production. The natural sounds produced by bodies of water are soothing and calming, not to mention the benefits of drinking plenty of water... I read an article recently about the physical and mental health benefits of just five minutes a day of outdoor exercise.

So many of us spend our entire day indoors. Some days, the only time I spend outdoors is going from the car to the door. So here's a challenge... For the next two weeks, make sure you spend at least fifteen minutes straight outside. Rain or shine, warm or cold. For two weeks, spend time outside. Take note of your mood...take note of how you feel physically. I guarantee you, once you get into the habit of spending time outside, you'll be hooked!

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