Saturday, February 9, 2013

I don't care...

Remember when you were young and the guy/girl you had a crush on didn't call? It would ruin your day! Maybe the "cool kids" included you in something and for the rest of the day you were feeling great. Our entire world would depend on the actions of someone else. Well, I believe we still do that...let our mood, our feelings, our happiness depend on the words or actions of someone else. How often do we think "if only he would do this....I would feel better". Most arguments consist of lists of things we don't like that another is doing. Think about how many times your mood...good or bad...was affected by someone else. Now, I understand that there are times when the actions of someone else can not help but affect us, like if someone physically harms us, but much of the time we allow the everyday words and actions of others to dictate our own moods and behavior.

I propose we take back our power to control our own moods. I, for one, don't want to have a bad day simply because my husband, my child, my friend...was inconsiderate or mean or having a bad day themselves. I don't want my enthusiasm to be determined by the enthusiasm of those around me. Imagine wake up feeling fine, go to work in a great mood and your boss calls you into his office. Now lets say your boss is not in a good mood and while giving you your assignments says something sarcastic to you. You have a you allow your mood to darken or do you disregard the remark? Most of us, if we are being honest with ourselves, will admit that what would normally happen is that our mood would darken. I propose we all least a little more...the art of not caring. If you know you do a good job, why would you allow the mood of your boss to determine the rest of YOUR day? And yet, that's exactly what we do every day. It's time we say to ourselves...."I don't care!".

I know that's easier said than done. It all comes back to Rule are in control of your response to every situation! Find a way! Maybe you simply need to repeat silently in your mind.."I don't care, I don't care", but find something that works for you. Practice caring less, giving your own moods priority and taking back your power to control your day!

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