Monday, February 4, 2013


It's funny how we resist change. Everyone does it at one time or another, even people who embrace change will resist it now and then. I suppose it's fear of the unknown, or perhaps we are happy with the status quo or are comfortable where we are. The truth is, all of our growth comes on the other side of change. Think about it, who we are, who we will ever become, is born because something in our life changed. The bigger the change, the bigger the growth. Now, I understand that not all the changes in our life have been good...but every change has touched us, formed us, developed us into the people we are today. Our changes are a part of us...every one of them.

A few years back, I was transferred from one office to another in my job. Now, even though I generally like change in my life, I railed against this transfer. I felt like I wasn't "done" in my old office...I didn't want to leave the people...I had a lot of reasons, but the truth is, I didn't want to change. I was comfortable where I was. The transfer forced me to grow in my profession which led to greater success.

Even those changes that we dread have positive aspects...when my mother passed away, some time ago, I was devastated. Among other things, my mother was the one person in this world who I knew was proud of me. She was the one I turned to when I was happy and when I was sad. I felt a huge loss when she passed. Now, I never realized it before, but while my mother was alive, I never really got to know my father. It is such a treat to see how my relationship with my father has grown and developed in the years since my mothers passing. I am so fortunate to have these years with him!

I know that nothing I say in this blog will help you to embrace change when it comes around, but maybe you'll remember that there is growth on the other side. Maybe that truth will help you weather the storm...look for the rainbow on the other side!

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