Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The other day I woke up feeling a little achy, with a fever, stuffy head and runny nose. I skipped the gym, dressed for warmth and comfort, put minimal makeup on, barely styled my hair and went off to work. After a few hours, I cancelled my appointments for the rest of the day and went home to sleep. I just wasn't feeling good and was having trouble getting through my day. The next day, I woke up feeling the same, but I had appointments ahead of me that could not be changed...a whole day full! I went to the gym to "wake myself up", dressed with more style, did my makeup and hair and went off to work. I had no time to feel sorry for myself and got caught up in my busy day. Sometime in the afternoon, I realized I felt pretty good. Maybe not 100%, but certainly not sick. I realized that my attention to feeling sick only fed it and caused me to feel worse while my lack of attention to how I felt diminished it. Now I've posted quite a bit about controlling your thoughts in order to control your feelings, but this was an actual, physical manifestation.

Now you might say that I just got better by the afternoon of day two, but the truth is, I felt the same when I woke up on day three. I didn't get better, I just FELT better. I've always believed that controlling your thoughts is the key to a happier, healthier life, but in the way that controlling your thoughts helps to control your stress levels and negativity and in turn your health and happiness. What I realized the other day is that we can control, to some degree, how we feel physically. For me, it was distraction that drew my attention from how I felt physically. Now, I'm not saying that you should refrain from physically taking care of yourself, but I'm saying that once you do the activities needed for that care, you should focus your attention elsewhere.

Our mind is a powerful thing. The direction of our focus can make or break our day...our life, for that matter. Think of your mind's focus as a laser beam...careful where you point that thing! :-)

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