Friday, December 27, 2013

Rule #3: Don't Hold a Grudge

I suppose this rule can also be called Forgive...because that's what holding a grudge is all about, isn't it?  Until we forgive, we can't move on.  We become stuck in the same place forever.  As with all these rules, forgiveness...not holding a really a selfish act.  It's about allowing ourself the freedom to move forward.  Holding on to the infraction does much more harm to ourself than to the other person.  So why is it so hard?  I think it's because forgiveness is often mistaken for condoning. Forgiveness doesn't mean the infraction is okay, it means the infraction is over.  Learning to forgive is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself.  It's liberating, freeing, empowering. 

Often, the grudge takes on a life of its own.  Have you ever had the experience, or known someone who lost years to a grudge over a minor infraction?  Lives can be changed by forgiveness!  Especially yours!  The earlier you forgive, the easier it is, but it's never too late.  It's not even important for the other party to accept your's only important for you to let go.  Imagine how much happier your life will be when you forgive and let go of the grudges that hold you back!  Forgive early and owe it to yourself.  Live happy!

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