Thursday, December 26, 2013

Rule #2: Always Be Kind

It seems silly to even make this a rule...of course we should always be kind...but remember, I wrote these rules for guide myself on how I should live my life.  Being kind is of the utmost importance to me.  Being kind means making a difference in the lives of others, it means being a caring  person, it means feeling good about myself.  Kindness makes every situation just a little bit better.

Think of a time when you had a kindness bestowed on you...the other day, I was at the supermarket and a man was dressed like Santa walking around the store handing out $10 gift certificates to the store.  I figured it was a promotion of some sort, until he made his way to me.  He explained that he was commitimg random acts of kindness in the name of a fallen fellow police officer and would I be so kind as to "pay it forward". This touched my heart...what better way to honor a friend?  In every interaction we have with others, every single day, we have the opportunity to be kind or unkind.  Imagine if every time we interacted with others, that person would "pay it forward"...if we snap at someone, that person snaps at another...if we smile at someone, that person smiles at another...if we treat someone with kindness, that person is kind to another...get the picture?  It's like a drop of water in a still pond...the ripples are endless.  What ripples do you want to create?

I choose to live life kindly...I've been told that people will walk all over me because I'm too nice, I've been told that I won't get far in life by being Mr. Nice Guy... Well I contend the exact opposite, and I encourage you to see for yourself.  In fact, I believe it is kindness behind much of my success, certainly my success with my interactions with people.  I have found that people WANT to help me...they WANT me to succeed and all because I am kind to them.  Which leads me to my last point, being kind is ultimately a selfish feels really good, people are kind back, people will help you and your world becomes a brighter place...frankly, it's addicting...and a habit I gladly succumb to!

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