Monday, August 19, 2013

Wheel of Fortune!

You know how when you wake up in the morning, not when you get out of bed, but when you first open your eyes, and you haven't thought about anything yet?  Thoughts start to fly through your mind...pieces of your dreams, that bill that needs paying, that project you did so well on, that argument you had, that joke you's like a carnival wheel...which thought will it land on?  Wheel of Fortune...except, unlike the real thing, this wheel can be willed to move one more click over to reach the happier thought.  I like the morning because there is no momentum built up yet...I can choose what I want to think about pretty easily.  And if that wheel lands on an unhappy thought, I can push it just a little further until I am satisfied.  

Imagine if you started every day choosing your thoughts?  I don't pretend that this will change the rest of your will still run into life, but imagine how pleasant it would be to start each day with a happy thought.  

I know that sometimes happy thoughts are hard to come by.  Sometimes you have to dig deep, and sometimes the thoughts that made you happy yesterday aren't working today, but keep pushing that wheel one more click until something works for you.  At first, your wheel will probably be filled with unhappy thoughts and it will take some doing.  You may not even be able to keep the wheel on a happy thought, but don't worry, it will get easier.  Look for things throughout your day to add to the wheel, notice the things that make you smile.  There's only so many thoughts that will fit on the wheel, so every happy thought knocks off an unhappy one.  Collect those happy thoughts!

The morning, or whenever you wake up, is an opportunity to choose how you will feel for at least the next few minutes...and possibly your day!  Good Morning!

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