Thursday, August 22, 2013

Contrary to Popular Belief...

It's been my experience that affirmations don't work.  I know that many a self help guru would disagree, and quite frankly, for years and years I would write down over and over my positive affirmations (as if they had already manifested)... Sound familiar?  Now, you may have had a different experience, and if so, please write to me because I am always evolving, but it has not been my experience.  

Now, I'm not saying that affirmations can't work, it's just that, for most people, your focus is directed to the lack of what you want rather than the manifestation of it.  For example, lets say you are struggling financially and would like to have financial freedom.  Perhaps you would write or say something along the lines of "I am now enjoying financial security, I have all the money I need to pay my bills with plenty left over to enjoy all the things in life that I desire".  Sounds good, right?  But lets look at this affirmation piece by piece... "I am now enjoying financial security..."   How does it feel when you say that to yourself?  What thoughts does that phrase evoke?  For me, it doesn't ring true.  In fact, my thoughts are now focused on the lack of financial security in my life, instead of acknowledging my financial successes. "...I have all the money I need to pay my bills with plenty left over to enjoy all the things in life that I desire"  Now I'm focused on my bills and unfulfilled desires.

I believe the Universe, God, Your Higher Self already knows your desires.  I don't think there's a need to write them down, say them over and over.  Instead, I believe our focus should be directed to the manifestation itself.  Day dream, imagine how it feels to pay off your bills...collect pictures of places you'd like to travel to or of the things you would like to buy...a shiny new luxury car...beautiful home with an inviting pool in the yard.  My point is, if we focus our thoughts, imaginings, feelings on the outcome, the manifestation, instead of the desire for the manifestation, we will have more success in achieving it.

Now, having said all this, if writing or repeating affirmations evokes in you the feelings of the manifestation, by all means, continue...but for those of us who have been disappointed, I offer another solution. Stop focusing on the desire, instead focus on how it will feel to achieve it.

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