Saturday, June 29, 2013

I look good today!

You know how you can look at yourself in the mirror, and from one angle you look great, but from another, you don't look as good?  Well, it's kind of like all depends on how you look at things.  When looking in the mirror, do you keep going back to the bad angle?  Or do you focus on the good one?  When you focus on the good angle before walking out the door in the morning, you're going to feel better throughout your day...more confident, a little lighter in your step, a smile upon your face.  You feel good!  Now think about it...when you're smiling, standing tall, walking with a little more bounce, confident...aren't you more attractive?  Aren't you more likely to have positive encounters?  Don't people respond to you in a more pleasant way?  Aren't you in a better mood?  So I ask you...why even give that bad angle more than a passing glance!?  Of course, if there was something you could do to improve that bad angle, by all means, do it...but if its just a bad angle, that stop looking at it!

You all know me by know I'm talking about more than your reflection in a mirror.  Every situation in life has a good and a bad a matter of fact, there are infinite angles in varying degrees of appeal.  How you look at every situation can change your life!  In my observation, many people want to focus on the negative side of a situation.  They dwell on it, want to tell everyone about it, lose sleep thinking about it, worry, cry...the list is never ending.  But what do you think would happen if we stopped dwelling, thinking, you think the situation would get worse?  Of course not!  Our attention will not improve a bad fact, it will make us feel worse!  So why not find that better angle?  At the very least, you'll be better equipped to deal with the situation because you'll be starting from a better place.   I choose, every day, what angle I am going to focus on.  The choice is mine!  I am responsible for my mood, my appeal, my confidence, how I feel, my stress level, my life!  There's nothing more empowering!  I choose the best angle I can find...which do you choose?

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