Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This is Life!

A few days ago, I became a grandmother. I can't describe to you how wonderful that, wonder, love. The day before, my father was admitted to the hospital...fear, worry. The fact is...this is life. There are positive and negative events, both big and small, every moment of every day. The question is, where do I direct my focus? My focus is my compass...I have the choice every day to focus on those things in my life that make me feel happy, positive, joyous. It doesn't mean the negative events are any less important or meaningful to me, it simply means that I choose to dwell on those things that make me feel good. This is a choice we are faced with every day...where is your focus?

It's kind of empowering, isn't it? To know you have a choice in how you feel? Most people seem to focus on whatever is in front of them at the moment...traffic, cranky people, a long line, a fight with a loved one...but the truth is, you can choose to direct your focus on something else...last night's conversation with a friend, a good laugh at work, a special moment with your spouse. There is always something better to focus just have to get into the habit of looking for it. I promise you, its always there...a better thought to focus on. Make it a game, find the better thought...

You can change the course of your changing your focus. How cool is that!?

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