Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Something I discovered about myself is that I'm a risk taker. I didn't really realize it because I'm not a dare devil and I always associated risk with physical extremes....but I am, indeed, a risk taker. I've changed jobs and careers many times, traveled alone and in unconventional ways, speak to everyone I meet, from the homeless to the famous...I'm not a saver, bought my current car without so much as a test drive. Risk is where I feel all levels.

Now, I know that most of my postings on this blog have been advisory in nature, but today I can only share. I don't know if risk taking is for everyone...I only know that to me, taking risks is like the air I breathe...necessary. Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about life threatening, or even thrill seeking...remember, I'm not a dare devil... I'm talking about stretching myself further than I think I can go. I'm talking about walking into the unknown, even if its scary or makes me nervous. I'm talking about trying something new...without doing research.

Taking risks does not always work out...guess it wouldn't be a risk if it did...but my greatest growth as a human being has been from taking risks. I would not be the person I am without the life lessons I've learned from taking risks. Maybe today you'll think about this posting and take a small risk...see if you like it. Caution is safe, that's for sure, but maybe an occasional risk will spice up your life. It certainly has made my life interesting!

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