Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Get in the Zone

It seems to me that we humans have a problem with shortage...shortage of time, shortage of money, shortage of ideas, shortage of help, shortage of talent, shortage of love...the list goes on and on. But have you ever had things go just right? Have you ever been working on something and you had just the right amount of time? The perfect idea? Enough money? Think back to those times...how were you feeling? I can tell you, for me, when I am stressed or harried, it feels like there are not enough hours in the day...but when I am "in the zone", I feel like I can do anything. When I am in the zone, things just fall into place. I don't feel deprived, rather I feel invigorated. I was at a diner the other day and every table was full. There seemed to be less wait staff than usual and there were a lot of people for the waitress to take care of. I would have thought the waitress would have been stressed, but she seemed to be everywhere she was needed at just the right moment. It was as if she knew what her customers wanted at the moment they wanted it. Looking around, none of the customers seemed agitated or in need. That waitress was in the zone, and everyone around her benefited from it.

Some years ago, I discovered that I could put myself "in the zone" much of the time. Sometimes I meditate, sometimes I listen to music, sometimes a hot shower or exercise will do it. What I noticed is there is almost a snapping into place that I can actually feel when I get to that mental place I call "in the zone". When I am in the zone, I am more productive, more efficient, more effective. I don't feel a shortage of time, energy, talent or anything else. I feel happy, alive, powerful. Athletes, artists, musicians have always instinctively gotten into the zone before a game or performance. It is easy to be your best when you take a few minutes to get into the zone.

I try to start each day in the zone. I find that one day meditation may do it, but the next day only listening to music will. Find what works for you. Take the time each day to "get in the zone"...you can't afford not to.

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