Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Most mornings, I am fortunate enough to see the sunrise. Some days are more beautiful and colorful than others, but all have an inspiring quality that stops me in my tracks...even if only for a moment. Most people will stop for a moment and notice the sunrise...But Imagine if we did that with everything...

I think a lot about our Now...Now is the only time that we really have any control over. The past is done and cannot be changed, the future is unknown and yet to be determined, but our Now holds all of our power! This is the time of year that we look at the past year and plan for the year to come, but it occurs to me that there is only one time we have any control over and that is our Now. Take the time to notice what is going on right now...

Has this ever happened to you?...The other day I was driving to an appointment at a place I am familiar with. When I got to about a mile away, I realized that I didn't remember driving the last six or so miles. I had absolutely no recollection of driving that stretch of my trip! I was perfectly safe, I knew I drove well, I just didn't remember the actual drive. The funny thing is, I remembered perfectly what I was thinking about! How many times do we lose our Now to thoughts of our past or future? There are a lot of things that rob us of our now, but the two that come to mind that are the most harmful are worry and regret. Worry will never prevent anything! Worry is wasted time and emotion. We can prepare, but once that is done, we can do nothing more. Even our preparation will not guarantee an outcome, but our preparation is done in our Now. Regret holds us back in a negative past and prevents us from living in our Now. We can do nothing to change the past, what is done, what was said, whatever happened happened and cannot be changed. We can make our Now...but can do nothing to change the past. All of our action, all of our ability, all of our power is in our NOW!

So next time you find something robbing you of your Now, find what you can do right then and there, to move away from those feelings and take back your power...take back your Now!

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