Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ride it Out

Some years ago, during a very difficult time, I stumbled upon a way to get through my day. My husband was in the hospital having heart surgery, I was running my own business, daughter at home and I was feeling overwhelmed. So at a moment when I thought I was about to break down I thought to myself "if I can just get through the next hour, then I can break down". What I found was that I no longer felt like I needed to break down, after only fifteen or twenty minutes. Sometime later, maybe a couple of days, when I was feeling scared, I did the same thing. Again, it worked like a charm.

It's almost like the ocean. Our emotions go through waves of intensity. If you can just hold on and ride out the wave, you'll be okay. Now, I know that's a lot easier to say than to do, but if you hold in your mind the knowledge that this moment will pass, you can do it. The truth is, everything always works out. Some things take longer, but eventually, everything always works out. Even the big stuff... My Mom passed away some years ago and I was filled with sadness that seemed like it wouldn't go away. I worried about my father and what would become of him without my mother around. Of course, everything is great. My father has thrived, I'm fine, my brother and sister are fine...everything worked out. It always does, so next time you are feeling overwhelmed...thinking you won't make it...hold on. Ride it out...it will pass.

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